
COVID-19 Update

SwyftScripts is now offering Covid-19 Vaccine administration for Houston Residents. Click here to get in contact for more information.


A New Pharmacy Experience for Houstonians

How SwyftScripts© is Shaping the Future of the Industry

The pharmaceutical industry model is quickly becoming outdated to the consumer of 2020. Most aspects and necessities of American life today can be accessed at the speed of your internet connection. Not only that, but American healthcare institutions have achieved significant evolutions over the past decade as well.

This raises the question: Why is accessibility to healthcare becoming increasingly difficult in this modern climate?

Options for care and providers have increased, technologies have advanced and are advancing at exponential rates, and ‘Healthcare’ is huge, especially in Houston. Barriers that can bar consumers today from easy accessibility to proper healthcare can include :

  • Limited appointment availability
  • High cost of care
  • Clinician shortage
  • Transportation
  • Time deficiency

Today’s generation is a hard-working one, even getting time off from work to see a doctor is a task. When a doctor prescribes you medication, the last thing any average person wants to do is take time out of their day to wait in line or even worse, make a second trip. As a matter of fact, studies show

that the average wait time at a pharmacy was 45[1] minutes and 3 out of 10 times a second trip to the pharmacy was required[2]. As the modern era advances and technological outreach expands, human healthcare and wellness develops rapidly and introduces new revolutionary ideas to society. Enter SwyftScripts©.  SwyftScripts is responding to what has become an apparent flaw in the industry – the traditional brick and mortar pharmacy experience.


By connecting patients, physicians, and local pharmacies in one single platform, SwyftScripts has not only picked apart those aforementioned barriers, but has in fact created an enjoyable and convenient environment for patients. Patients are now able to get their prescriptions filled and delivered to their home or office the same day at the push of a button, absolutely free! There is even an option that allows you to expedite your prescription to 1-hour delivery for only five bucks more. This is all done via one very user-friendly mobile app.

Launching for the very first time in Houston, Texas, and soon to be nation-wide, the SwyftScripts app allows you to: create an account, schedule deliveries, manage medications, set medication reminders so you never miss a dose again, as well as shop other non-prescription items from local drug stores such as: over-the-counter meds, hygiene products, baby care, and much more. With SwyftScripts you can virtually carry your pharmacist around in your pocket to answer your questions, refill your medications, and provide all the discretionary assistance that you would find in a traditional pharmacy establishment. Wherever you might be, you can always be well.


  1. https://patientengagementhit.com/news/top-challenges-impacting-patient-access-to-healthcare
  2. https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/Access-to-Health-Services
  3. “Wait Time For Filling Rx”, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, 2013.
  4. “Who Had to Return To or Go To a Different Pharmacy at Least Once in Past Year”, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, 2013.